Each year New Zealand Post produces 'The New Zealand Collection' - a comprehensive album of all the stamps produced in the past year. This premium publication features stunning pictorial images and extensive commentary on the year's stamp issues from some of New Zealand’s most well-known personalities.
The advert header from the NZ Post Site.
We have decided to feature these collections on this blog since it's part of the New Zealand Stamp Scene. I know it will turn into a free advert for NZ Post but I hope that over time this post will become more of a historic page. Prices are included for interest only and these items will not be sold by this blog. For current price and availability please contact NZ Post via their website https://stamps.nzpost.co.nz/
2013 Collection. 2014 Collection. 2015 Collection.
2016 Collection. 2017 Collection.
2018 Collection. 2019 Collection.
The New Zealand Collection 2013.
All the 2013 Stamps.
This premium publication contained a selection of stamps issued by New Zealand Post in 2013 and inside, it also had an exclusive cancelled, imperforate stamp sheet of Classic Travel Posters stamps. NZ Post added:- "Due to the nature of this product and the regulatory conditions in which New Zealand Post operates, you will notice that the price of this product has increased in comparison to previous years. We apologise for this increase, which unfortunately is unavoidable."
Price: $121.00
The 2013 New Zealand Stamp Collection - Album and special dust cover.
This issue was only sold as a full sheet, featuring 20 stamps showing classic travel posters promoting New Zealand. Note the special cancel in the top-right corner, only found in this album. Below you can see the pages from the album devoted to this issue.
The page from the album featuring the classic poster sheet.
This page was devoted to the 2013 Honey Bees issue of five stamps that tells the story of honey bees and beekeeping. The stamps featured photographs of the various aspects of honey bees as they go about their business of making honey and it is collected from their hives, by the bee-keeper, for humans to enjoy. Honey is sometimes called the perfect food because while being full of healthy goodness, it never goes off.
This premium publication contained a selection of stamps issued by New Zealand Post in 2014 and inside, you'll also find an exclusive cancelled, imperforate stamp sheet of Legendary Landmarks stamps. You will notice that the price this year remained the same as in 2013.
Price: $121.00.
The 2014 New Zealand Stamp Collection - Album and special dust cover.
2014 Construction of a Nation.
An issue exploring early New Zealand residential architecture.
2014 Legendary Landmarks.
Many towns in New Zealand have an attraction they are known for. Often the town will erect a stature or in some cases a building celebrating this. NZ Post issued these 18 stamps in a sheet showing icon statues from New Zealand towns. Notice the exclusive cancel in the top-right corner.
The New Zealand Collection 2015.
This annual premium publication contained a selection of stamps issued by New Zealand Post in 2015 and inside, you'll also find an exclusive cancelled, imperforate stamp sheet of 'Kiwi Kitchen' stamps, not available anywhere else.
Price: $121.00.
The 2015 New Zealand Stamp Collection - Album and special dust cover.
ANZAC Day Issues.
Two issues are shown on this page of the 2015 Collector's Album. On the far left are the two stamps from the ANZAC Joint Issue with Australia. The picture next to it is from the 1915 The Spirit of ANZAC issue, a painting called Simpson and his Donkey. Simpson was an Australian stretcher-bearer who found a lost donkey wondering on the beach. Together the two of them worked being wounded soldiers down to the beach so they could be taken back off by ship.
See our post on Simpson and his Donkey.

2015 Kiwi Kitchen.
This was a fun issue produced in a sheet showing the many types of food popular and in some cases unique with New Zealanders.
The New Zealand Collection 2016.
This annual premium publication contained a selection of stamps issued by New Zealand Post in 2016 and inside, you'll also find an exclusive cancelled, imperforate stamp sheet of 'It's a Kiwi Thing' stamps, not available anywhere else.
Price: $121.00.
The 2016 New Zealand Stamp Collection - Album and special dust cover.
2016 It's a Kiwi Thing.
2016 It's a Kiwi Thing.
The page give special background information on this fun issue. As mentioned above, the full issue was included as an imperforated miniature sheet.
2016 Olympic Games - Rio de Janeiro.
2016 Road to Rio.
This issue started with the ten $1.00 stamps - representing the ten events that New Zealand has previously won gold medals in athletics, boxing, canoeing, swimming, equestrian, field hockey, triathlon, rowing, cycling and sailing. But as each new medal was won another stamp was added, 18 medals meant, the issue had become a collection of 28 stamps.
2016 Christmas Issue.
5 gummed and 3 adhesive stamps with a Christmas theme, five of the people from the story of the birth of Jesus. In our post, linked just above Kim decided to try something different by telling the story by using captions of scripture taken directly from the Bible.
2016 RSA - 100 Years of Service.
The 2016 ANZAC Day also marked the centenary of the Royal New Zealand Returned Servicemen's Association (RSA). Over the years this organisation has given great service to New Zealand by helping so many of the brave soldiers who fought overseas or helping the families of those who died while serving.
2016 Queen Elizabeth II - 90th Birthday.
A miniature sheet of three stamps each of which contains three images that change when tilted. These stamps are well worth looking at, having some lovely photos taken of the Queen during her long reign.
2016 Courage and Commitment.
Here is the third annual instalment (of five) in New Zealand’s homage to the Great War (World War I).
2016 Royal New Zealand Navy 75th Anniversary.
A six value issue marking this important event in the history of the Royal New Zealand Navy.
2016 was a year of military issues with four appearing, a total of 24 stamps.
New Zealand Collection 2017.
All the 2017 Stamps.
This annual premium publication contains a selection of stamps issued by New Zealand Post in 2017 and inside, you'll also find an exclusive cancelled, imperforate stamp sheet of 'The Great Kiwi Road Trip' stamps, not available anywhere else.
Price - $129.00
The Cover and special dust jacket of the 2017 edition.
2017 The Great Kiwi Road Trip.
2017 The Great Kiwi Road Trip.
The miniature sheet of the Great Kiwi Road Trip issue opposite the table of contents
2017 New Zealand Surf Breaks.
2017 New Zealand Surf Breaks.
Each of the five stamps in this issue features one of New Zealand’s prime surfing spots, with dramatic images captured by some of New Zealand’s top surf photographers. The North Island is represented by two of New Zealand’s most well-known surf spots, Piha Bar in Piha and Manu Bay in Raglan, as well as the Waiwhakaiho River mouth in Taranaki along Surf Highway 45. The South Island is represented by Mangamaunu in Kaikoura and Aramoana Spit in Dunedin, both producing world-class breaks in the cooler southern waters.
2017 He Tohu Exhibition.
2017 He Tohu Exhibition.
He Tohu is a permanent exhibition at the National Library of New Zealand in Wellington that celebrates the three constitutional documents that shaped New Zealand: The 1835 Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand (He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tireni), the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi (Te Tiriti o Waitangi) and the 1893 Women’s Suffrage Petition (Te Petihana Whakamana Pōti Wahine).
2017 Christmas.
2017 Christmas.
Christmas is the one time of year that friends and family come together to celebrate with lots of food, colourful presents and decoration laden trees. The 2017 Christmas issue focused on decorations for the Christmas Tree,
2017 The Year of the Rooster (Chinese New Year).
2005/2017 Year of the Rooster.
The rooster is the tenth animal of the Chinese zodiac and those born in the Year of the Rooster are loyal, trustworthy, observant and keen to offer their opinions to those around them.
The four gummed stamps in this issue are inspired by the Chinese folk arts of calligraphy, paper-cutting and line-art illustration, and they celebrate the multicultural nature of New Zealand with both Chinese and New Zealand elements. To add to the special nature of this issue, the sheets of stamps contain unique gutter-pairs.
2017 Te Reo Maori - Maori Language.
2017 Te Reo Maori - Maori Language.
We live in a changing world, English, my mother tongue, is changing to be used in different ways with new words coming into general use all the time. In the same way, if te reo Maori is to remain relevant, it needs to change and evolve to deal with a modern and changing world. This issue featured 10 stamps showing te reo Maori being used in ways that would not have been imagined only a few years ago with the examples have mainly come from computers and electronic communications. Notice how many of these new words retain the te reo Maori tradition of being descriptive in nature.
2017 Recovering Native Birds.
2017 Recovering Native Birds.
This stamp issue focuses on five native bird species that have been brought back from the brink of extinction thanks to the hard work of agencies such as the Wildlife Service and the Department of Conservation. Their great work has seen them go on to become world leaders in bird conservation.
2017 The Great Kiwi Road Trip.
2017 The Great Kiwi Road Trip.
With The Great Kiwi Road Trip stamp issue, you can experience the quirky things you’ll discover while trekking your way around this great country - from the tip-top of the north to the bottom of the world in the south.
2017 Grow Your Own / Sustainable New Zealand.
2017 Grow Your Own / Sustainable New Zealand.
The Grow Your Own stamp issue is all about growing your own herbs and vegetables. To help you along the way seeds are included for three vegetables and three herbs. The idea is that people will raise these seeds until they can be transplanted to either a larger pot or outside to the garden.
2017 Native New Zealand Freshwater Fish.
2017 Native New Zealand Freshwater Fish.
More than 40 different species of freshwater fish have been identified in New Zealand’s waterways. Around three-quarters of these secretive and largely nocturnal natives are already endangered, which is a troublingly high number compared to other countries. Some of the issues our freshwater fish face include barriers to migration, destruction of habitat and the introduction of predators such as trout.
2017 Southern Lights.
2017 Southern Lights.
The Southern Lights or Aurora Australis can range in colour from pink to green to purple, with the colours dependent on a number of factors. The type of solar wind particle, the type of gas molecule and the electrical state at the time of the collision all have an effect on the eventual colour of the aurora.
This stunning stamp issue features six gummed stamps - each featuring a photograph of the Southern Lights at the Aoraki Mackenzie International Dark Sky Reserve. Each stamp shows a different view of the Southern Lights, with the various colours and patterns of shimmering light clearly evident in these stunning photographs.
New Zealand Collection 2018.
All the 2018 Stamps.
This annual premium publication contains a selection of stamps issued by New Zealand Post in 2018. Inside, you'll also find an exclusive cancelled, imperforate stamp sheet of 'Thinking Outside the Square' stamps, not available anywhere else.
Price - $129.00
Cover and a special dust jacket for the 2018 edition.
2018 Year of the Dog (Chinese New Year).
The annual Chinese New Year issue featured the Year of the Dog, showing the usual four stamps in their stylised format. There was also the usual miniature sheet showing the 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac with the dog marked in the top left corner. As is normal with our Chinese New Year posts this link takes you to a page that will show both the 2006 and 2018 stamps plus other collector items for both issues. You can also view all our Chinese New Year stamps in the full collection page found in the links bar at the top,
Maui and the Fish - Te Ika-a-Maui.
Māui and the Fish - Te Ika-a-Māui is one of many tales of the mischievous demigod chronicled for centuries across Pacific cultures. Despite the considerable distance between islands such as Hawaii, Tonga and even New Zealand, the similarities between many of the legends are uncanny.
New Zealand has issued two other stamps telling the story of Maui and the Fish. These can be found below, at the bottom of this post, or via links from our index page New Zealand Maori.
2018 Thinking Outside the Square.
When it comes to ingenuity and thinking outside the square, Kiwis win hands down. In fact, we’re world-famous for it! Backyard inventors, dreaming up widgets and gadgets, and all manner of things made from ‘number 8 wire’. Stuff that people didn’t know they needed until they saw or used it. That’s what sets us apart from the rest of the world. Here are just a few of the cool creations New Zealanders have come up with. This issue of 12 stamps looks at 12 very different 'kiwi' ideas.
2018 Christmas Issue.
2018 Christmas.
The annual 2018 Christmas issue was a complex set of four adhesive stamps and five gummed stamps, plus a range of other collector products. The Christmas 2018 stamps go back to the roots of this annual celebration – the Nativity scene. The enchanting and enduring Nativity story encapsulates the meaning of Christmas for many.
New Zealand Collection 2019.
All the 2019 Stamps.
This annual premium publication contains a selection of stamps issued by New Zealand Post in 2015 and inside, you'll also find an exclusive cancelled, imperforate stamp sheet of 'Kiwi Kitchen' stamps, not available anywhere else.
Price: $121.00
Cover and a special dust jacket for the 2019 edition.
2019 New Zealand Space Pioneers.
50th Anniversary First Landing on the Moon.
2019 New Zealand Space Pioneers.
These five stamps celebrate six of New Zealand's astronomers, cosmologists, discoverers and rocket scientists. This lenticular miniature sheet is a celebration of the world’s achievements in space exploration.
2019 Christman Issue.
2019 Christman Issue.
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